Online Community

We currently coordinate our online gaming through Discord servers.

Discord is a free app/program that runs on a variety of platforms. You can learn more on their web page.

Our main 3 Trolls Server is used to coordinate board games, kids D&D, and general social shenanigans. We run board games at least 3 times a week and we’re very friendly and we love to teach games. It can get sporadically weird.

Join our Community 3Trolls Server

We also have a server dedicated to Dungeons & Dragons. We have at least 3 active weekly campaigns (although not all are accepting new players right now). Our Sunday campaign is on hiatus until the end of December. Sunday sessions are $12.00 per session. We run by voice and text in Discord as well as some Roll20. One-shots and events happen fairly frequently.

Join our Role Playing Game Server (You will have to choose roles and confirm your age)

And lastly we have Domains of Adventure, our all text play by post multi genre Dungeons & Dragons server. DoA uses the Avrae bot for Discord. It’s pretty active. We run at least 3 real time text role playing sessions every week, and sometimes as many as 5. We charge $15 month and you can learn more at our Patreon.

See our Patreon Page